Saturday was the beginning of Mother's Day weekend for me. I was able to sleep in while Leo fixed Nic's breakfast. The day was mellow and the best part was being able to just hang out. No plans, no driving, etc.
Sunday I was able to sleep in again and Leo surprised me with breakfast!
He also gave me the rest of my gift. I got 2 charms for my pandora bracelet and a gift certificate to the spa. (I'm so looking forward to the spa gift certificate after Leo's 1.5 week business trip!! woohoo) Nic also made me 3 art pieces at school. They were so cute and sweet!
We then grabbed lunch at a great Cuban restaurant and watched Nicolas get soaked at a sprinkler fountain outside the restaurant. He was so happy and got soaked in his cute outfit.
As I watched him play I realized that the little moments in between the everyday stuff is what makes motherhood so worth it. Even though I remember how rough the first few months after Nic was born, they are a distant memory. When I felt the most overwhelmed, I could not imagine what he would be like and how happy and truly blessed I would feel just 2 years later. The rough days wear you out but the good ones keep you going. Nic is at such a great age. He is loving, sweet, imaginative, caring, smart, and talkative. I'm so grateful that he is a healthy and smart little boy and all I want is for him to keep going.
I admittedly a very hard person to please but after looking back at yesterday, it was a great day. All I need are my boys. (Love you).
I hope all the mother's out there had a great day too!